LEAD Ranger and your organisation

If you are interested in becoming part of the program, the following section will outline some of the eligibility requirements for organisations, and the process we follow to get you there. 

Instructor Course
The first step is to determine whether your organisation is eligible for an Instructor Course. This is a three- to four-week course, in which your rangers are trained to be an instructor on a specific skill that is selected according to your requirements. After filling in the online application form which includes some questions about your eligibility, we will contact you to discuss your training goals and requirements, and take it from there.

LEAD Course
After completion of an Instructor Course, both parties can indicate their wish to continue to the LEAD Ranger Course, which is a rigorous course over a several month period, designed to train your rangers to professional instructor level on all subjects relevant to rangers. Accordingly, the second round of assessment is more in depth, scoring your organisation on ten indicators that include Mandate & Mission, Capacity, Conservation Relevance, Transparency, etc. Organisations can only take part in a LEAD Ranger course once they have taken part in an Instructor Course.